Thursday 26 June 2008

We are now 12 cubic meter lighter!
I fell much better than yesterday, I even had a moment of euphoria around noon when I went to buy pizzas. I can't believe where doing this!!!!!
It was mouving to watch the truck leave, both me and my husband had tears in our eyes. The dream is so close that we can almost reach out and touch it.

I spent about an hour cleaning up after the movers left and then I realized we forgot a box with Swedish crystal. All Swedish girls have Orrefors at home and I am not an exception.
Well , we'll bring the box with us in the plane.

Saturday J is comming to pick up furniture, then the house will be almost empty. We'll stay here until next Wednesday. We are going to put the beds at the garbage at wednesday night when the "garbage police" have left for the day. There is no way we could put them inside the Nissan Micra and bring them to the gipsy camp -but- if you don't come to the gipsies, the gipsies will come to you.

Thursday morning the beds will probably already be gone since the garbage is checked every night. The au-pair put out some of her stuff yesterday and it didn't take more than 15 minutes before everything was gone. It's amazing, I wonder if they hav spies?

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