Thursday 6 March 2008


nervous... We're moving in a few months and we still have no appartement. I try to tell myself that it's great because we don't have to pay a rent for nothing but for the moment it doesn't calm me down. I feel like I'm paralyzed, I want to do lots of things but there is nothing to do but wait.

The appartement we already visited is on a Israeli rent site, I hope no-one will call so the woman will accept our price...

I had my mother on the phone yesterday she says that when she's telling people her daughter is moving to Israel they all answer but it's WAAAAR there. She seems to have nice friends...

1 comment:

Katarina i Holon said...

I hope you are going to find a nice appartment for a good price!

And about the war..I don't know what to call it, officially it is not called war, but the situation is horrible. Another soldier died today from a bomb near the border. If you live in the centre of the country you don't feel what is going on. But the missiles are still falling on Sederot, Ashqelon and nearby villages. And tzahal is fighting Hamas in Gaza. So a war is for sure going on, we just don't feel it all over the country.