Wednesday 14 November 2007

It's freezing cold...

...and I try to tell myself I should enjoy my last winter. Maybe in a few years I will remeber with nostalgia how nice it was to be late in the morning, run out in the cold and scrape the frost off the windscreen...

My children will never experience electric hair when they put on a polo-neck and I will probably never know that if they lick a lamp-post when it's below zero, their tongue will get stuck, unless we'll move to Jerusalem, and we will not.

I've been told that you can actually ski in Golan, look at the picture I uploaded, it's from Israels Hermon mountain. If we move to the Tel aviv area we will be 4 hours by car from summer (Eilat) and four hours from winter ( Golan heights) in January... Perfect, isn't it?


Karin said...

I wrote a post in February (just looked it up..) about how we went to Jerusalem and were surrounded by blossoming almond trees, in the Hermon there was a blizzard and a friend who had been in Eilat had been swimming with dolphins. All in the same weekend.

And I walked barefoot on the beach today. It is a pretty amazing country. You're gonna love it here!

Katarina i Holon said...

Vi åker upp varje år till Hermon. Förr var det skidåkning som gällde, men nu åker vi pulka! Fast barnen börjar ju bli stora och i år har vi lovat att de ska få åka skidor. Sist vi var där var det ganska kallt och vi blev varnade av tanten i kassan till liften att ta med barnen högst upp. Det är alldelses för kallt för barn sa hon..Men hur kallt ÄR det då däruppe, frågade jag. MINUS en grad sa hon! Jag bara flinade och så åkte vi upp och åkte pulka med barnen hela dagen, hur skönt som helst!

Lillie plein damour said...

That will be perfect for you, both sun and skiing within reach.
Still I dont miss -15 and the pain in your nose when breathing.
I enjoy the sun and would love to be in the sun 12 months a year.
But I understand you will miss, to build a snögubbe eller snölyktor.
I will send you my thoughts from a cold Djurgârden this weekend.