Wednesday, 30 April 2008


At 10:00am on Yom HaShoah, throughout Israel, air-raid sirens are sounded for two minutes. During this time, people stop what they are doing and stand at attention; cars stop, even on the highways; and the whole country comes to a standstill as people pay silent tribute to the dead.
Let us all think, just for a second, of a child, a mother or a grandfather who was killed, only 65 years ago, just because he was Jewish.


Katarina i Holon said...

Today is a sad day and an important day. We are not allowed to forget all the horrors of the shoa. The children went to school with white shirts and they are having a remembrence ceremony there at ten.

Svensk chekchouka said...

It is indeed, my husbands granny used to burn her hand on a candle on yom hashoa, I never heard anyone doing that, maybe it was her way to show her pain.
It must be great to be together on a day like this, with people who are as concerend as yourself...

Katarina i Holon said...

När larmet gick igår var jag precis på väg till snabbköpet. Det var precis vid ett rödljus.Jag stannade bilen såklart precis som alla andra och ställde mig i två tysta minuter jämte bilen. Tyvärr hade jag ett pucko bakom mig som inte alls hade lust att hålla tyst minut för hashoa. Han tutade och viftade åt mig att flytta på mig!!!. Naturligtvis ignorerade jag honom just då, men efteråt fick han sig en utskällning inte bara av mig utan av alla andra bilister som hade stannat. Även om man nu inte råkar vara jude så bör man ju respektera de tysta minuterna, eller?