Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Back again!

Yes, still on the Highway to Israel.
So here we are, 2008. This will be a year of big changes and adventures.
I have made promises for 2008, here they are;

1. I will just smile and answer "Ah bon" the next time someone tells me living in Israel is not the same as going there on holidays in August. I'm blond and idiot and very greatful for this percious information, I thought we were going to spend the rest of our lives on the beach!
2. I will stop reading articles about French un-employed olim and tell my self it's because they don't speak Hebrew or English.
3. I will always remember that my parents and my parents in law are on "our side," that they support us.
4. I will stop buying chocolate bars at IKEA.
5. I will learn all my Hebrew vocabulary by heart.

I've started to learn the boys how to write and read Hebrew, The youngest will start "kita alef" which means that he is not supposed to read and write yet but my oldest son should be reading and writing ( kita guimel) ... I'm getting nervous to be honest, I try to tell myself they'll learn faster than me.


Mia said...

Saklart de kommer gora. De kommer suga upp det som sma svampar!

C hade en svensk klasskompis som borjade i hans klass ett par veckor innan jul. Han kom direkt fran Sverige, kunde lite italienska, men annars inte nan engelska och de satte I pa att forsoka sig pa att vara tolk. Men sa blev I sjuk nagra dagar och nu efter jullovet klarar killen sig sjalv, efter 2 manader, varav 4 spenderade i skolan och 3 i Italien.

Det kommer ga jattebra.


Katarina i Holon said...

Hej! Kul att du skriver nåt ibland!!...

Det kommer att gå så bra, barnen lär ju sig jättefort! Men du gör helt rätt att ändå lära dem redan nu. Ju mer de kan när de kommer hit, desto bättre.

Svensk chekchouka said...

Tack för peppning tjejer. Innerst inne vet jag att ni har rätt, men nerverna börjar bli oresonliga och lyssnar inte längre pâ hjärnan.